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Poludnevna Radionica - Balansiranje Cakri
Jedinstvena poludnevna radionica za balansiranje čakri omogućava vam da naučite o 7 ključnih energetskih centara koji, kada su u ravnoteži, promovišu sveukupno zdravlje. Čakre su kao točkovi svjetlosti i energije koji utiču na vas fizički, emocionalno i duhovno, a kada su neuravnoteženi mogu negativno uticati na funkcije tela. Stoga radeći sa znanjem i energijom kroz jogu, meditaciju i masažu, moćna je transformacija za potpuno zdravlje.
Radionica uključuje 30 minuta razgovora, čas joge od 60 minuta, 60 minuta specialne energetske masaže, 30 minuta meditacije i veganski ili vegetarijanski ručak.
Radionica je svega pola dana, na engleskom je jeziku i moguće je imati svaki dan do 29og Septembra 2017. Molimo Vas da rezervišete mjesto jedan dan unaprijed minimum preko sajta ili na +38269146939.
Previous workshops
(ENG) Yoga Meditation Workshop
(ENG) 1/2 Day workshop in July 2018
(ENG) A short, half day or 5.5 hours engagement to explore classical Indian Philosophy of Yoga and Buddhist Meditation among with a 2.5 hours class included in the workshop.
Vidhi simplifies the complexity of meditation and provides his students a path that is easy to follow. His constant guidance keeps students abreast with the progress on the spiritual path as they see themselves transforming into new people who are mentally and physically healthy in everyday life.
(ENG) Learn how to make natural skincare and create your own products
(ENG) 4 days workshop with lectures in April 2017
(ENG) This workshop is for anyone who would like to use natural skincare regardless of previous knowledge, gender, age or skin type. High quality home made skincare opens the door for creating many individual products.
(ENG) Learn how to make your own skin care products
(ENG) 23 - 26 April 2016
(ENG) Natural skincare workshop is organised by "Orisha" company
(ENG) All inclusive yoga retreat
(ENG) 14 - 22 May 2016
(ENG) Give yourself a gift of yourself, rest from everyday stress with healthy food and daily yoga classes, learn meditation and breathing techniques